
मला कविता करावीशी वाटते , पण जी कविता मला अभिप्रेत आहे , ती कधीच कागदावर अवतरली नाही . ती मनातच उरते , जन्माच्या प्रतीक्षेत ! कारण कधी शब्दच उणे पडतात तर कधी प्रतिभा उणी पडते .म्हणून हा कवितेचा प्रयास सतत करत असतो ...........
तिला जन्म देण्यासाठी , रूप देण्यासाठी ,शरीर देण्यासाठी ......
तिला कल्पनेतून बाहेर पडायचे आहे म्हणून

Saturday 27 July 2024

The Ballad of Tiger Hill


The Ballad of Tiger Hill

In the high Dras sector, where the winds do chill,
There rose the mighty Tiger Hill, silent and still.
Its peaks kissed the sky, Twas a sentinel so grand,
Guarding the land where the brave make their stand.

In the summer of '99, when war drums beat loud,
Pakistani intruders, shrouded in cloud,
Seized the heights with a treacherous hand,
Challenging the valour of the Indian land.

Operation Vijay called into play,
To recapture the peaks and hold the foes at bay.
With hearts full of courage and spirits undaunted,
Indian soldiers marched up, by duty enchanted.

On July 4th, in the dead of the night,
The troops began to go, for the battle was ripe.
With 18 Grenadiers in the van of the fight,
8 Sikh and 2 Naga, the brave so bright.

Artillery thundered, the earth did quake,
As they climbed the hill for their homeland's sake.
Steep, icy slopes under fire they climbed,
With a will and strength by none undermined.

Captain Vikram Batra, lion-hearted knight,
His valour a beacon, his spirit alight.
Though with Point 4875 was he known to fame,
His valour on Tiger Hill forever shall remain.

Major Ravinder Singh, leader so brave,
His tale did slowly the heat of war engrave.
With Maha Vir Chakra, his honour did wax
The foe he slew by his great leadership.

Major Digendra Kumar, Also India’s bright hero,
Forward he led his men to the front in the night glow.
With tactical acumen and bravery clear,
Major led his men without an iota of fear.

Yogendra,a lion most fearless of all,
Even in pain and gore, he didn’t fall.
Single-handedly he stormed enemy bunkers with might,
That hair-raising battle into Param Vir Chakra they fight.

In close combat, through that terrible terrain,
Indian soldiers ripped through the enemy causing pain.
From well-fortified positions did they dislodge the foe,
Valour, with determination, and grit did they show.

In early light of dawn, the hill was captured back,
The tricolour fluttered in full bloom glory on track.
The Tiger hill was free, under the sky of India,
A mark of Pride above everything for India.

The victory at Tiger Hill, a beacon so bright
Changed the course of the war, shone with light white.
4th and 5th of July, days like gold embedded,
Of valour and sacrifice, of our heroes splendid.

Sing along the ballad of Tiger Hill,
Let Fear of India in enemy hearts instill.
Of soldiers who gave their all with will
Kept India free, Indian flag atop Tiger Hill.

Saturday , 27/07/2024 02:10 PM
Ajay Sardesai (Megh)

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