
मला कविता करावीशी वाटते , पण जी कविता मला अभिप्रेत आहे , ती कधीच कागदावर अवतरली नाही . ती मनातच उरते , जन्माच्या प्रतीक्षेत ! कारण कधी शब्दच उणे पडतात तर कधी प्रतिभा उणी पडते .म्हणून हा कवितेचा प्रयास सतत करत असतो ...........
तिला जन्म देण्यासाठी , रूप देण्यासाठी ,शरीर देण्यासाठी ......
तिला कल्पनेतून बाहेर पडायचे आहे म्हणून

Saturday 20 July 2024

Oh, Those were the days

Oh, those were the days,
When we were young and bright,
Life was filled with joy,
Everything felt so right.
Unaware of any sorrow,
In our parents' embrace,
We were their precious gems,
In their love's warm grace.

Every wish was granted,
No dream left unseen,
When youth came swiftly,
How the times did lean.
Suddenly, life changed,
We faced it all alone,
With struggles at each corner,
Our strength was our own.

Parents' shelter gone,
Enemies around us crept,
We fought without retreat,
In our hearts their lessons kept.
From our parents, this legacy,
Of courage and truth,
With this precious wealth,
We walked the paths of youth.

Now we've become parents,
And our children are our light,
Life's journey unknown,
Yet we cherish every sight.
That childhood time returns,
In our memories so clear,
That tender, sweet love,
Of parents we hold dear.

When we were their darlings,
When their eyes shone so bright,
When life was full of joy,
When everything was so right.
Oh, those were the days,
When we were young and bright.

Saturday, 20/07/2024, 06:55 PM
Ajay Sardesai (Megh)

This bouquet of words in form of a poem is dedicated to the sweet memory of my parents.

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