
मला कविता करावीशी वाटते , पण जी कविता मला अभिप्रेत आहे , ती कधीच कागदावर अवतरली नाही . ती मनातच उरते , जन्माच्या प्रतीक्षेत ! कारण कधी शब्दच उणे पडतात तर कधी प्रतिभा उणी पडते .म्हणून हा कवितेचा प्रयास सतत करत असतो ...........
तिला जन्म देण्यासाठी , रूप देण्यासाठी ,शरीर देण्यासाठी ......
तिला कल्पनेतून बाहेर पडायचे आहे म्हणून

Monday 29 July 2024

"Bella Vita" (Happy Life) , Until Then

In realms beyond this earthly place,
Where souls unite in endless grace,
We meet, we part, and meet once more,
In life's eternal dance, we do restore.
Relatives, friends, and strangers too,
Are bound by threads both old and new.
Eternal spirits, bound by fate,
In other worlds, we congregate.
Our bodies wither, and do fade away,
Into five elements, they do decay.
Yet bodies rise back, and forms take flight,
In life cycles spun through day and night.
To Aai and Baba, blessings true,
Wish you happy lives, In other worlds too. 
In next life’s realm, we’ll meet again,
Until then, joy and peace sustain.
Bella Vita, till we again reunite,
In another life, in endless light.
Our souls are in constant flight
From one world to another in Delight

Monday , 29/07/2024   07:00 PM 
Ajay Sardesai (Megh)

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